Layout. Platform voor recent ontwerpend onderzoek. Platform for current design research
The results of the long-term Research by Design project ‘Architecture as 2nd Body’ will be published in a special issue of the Dutch magazine Layout. Partial results have been published in the book Architektur Wahrnehmen (Abel, Rudolph, 2018) and will be published more comprehensively in an English language book in autumn 2020. In 2009, the Dutch Ministry of Science, Education and Culture funded the first nationwide study on the influence of hospital architecture on the health and well-being of people with cancer and their families. In the publication of their results, Gemma Koppen and Tanja C. Vollmer present the seven environmental variables that are significantly related to the experience of stress in outpatients and from this they develop the OPPO prototype, a novel building typology for the synergetic, interdisciplinary care of people with cancer.