Can hospital architecture help healing and support health? The scientific findings to fundamentally answer these questions about the existence of a “healing architecture” are insufficient so far. The research initiative of the German Federal Government “Zukunft Bau” would like to close this knowledge gap and is therefore funding the large-scale joint project of KOPVOL architecture & psychology and the Technical University of Munich: “RUN(N), if you can! Healing architecture for children’s hospitals. In cooperation with the Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at the University Hospital of Freiburg, the extent to which architecture is able to promote the development and normality of children and adolescents and, in this way, positively influence the health of families is being investigated scientifically and throughout Germany for the first time. The project thus closes a major knowledge gap in the field of evidence based design and provides an important step on the way to urgently needed standards in the architectural design of children hospitals.

Linked literature

Vollmer, T.C.; Koppen, G.(2021). The Parent–Child Patient Unit (PCPU): Evidence-Based Patient Room Design and Parental Distress in Pediatric Cancer Centers. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 9993. ijerph18199993

Kafke, E. (2021). Architekturpsychologie. Bessere Krankenhäuser planen. Deutsches Architektenblatt, 10.2021.

Vollmer, T. C., Koppen, G., Vraetz, T., & Niemeyer, C. (2017). Entwicklungsräume. JuKiP – Ihr Fachmagazin Für Gesundheits- Und Kinderkrankenpflege, 06(06), 239–244.

Vraetz, T., & Koppen, G. (2016). Moderne Familienzimmer: Raum für Geborgenheit und Zuwendung. f&w Führen Und Wirtschaften Im Krankenhaus, 33(11), 1010–1013.

Vollmer, T. C., & Koppen, G. (2015). Leitideen und Konzepte für den Neubau Unserer Kinder- und Jugendklinik Freiburg. Ein Krankenhaus für die Region, eine Klinik für die ganze Welt! (1st ed.). Freiburg i. Br.: INITIATIVE.

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