Gemma Koppen, Tanja C. Vollmer
Architecture as second body
A manual for evidence based design in health care architecture
What spaces and architectures do people need to get healthy? How do future healthcare buildings take into account and meet the needs of people who are ill? The book combines empirical findings of modern architectural psychology with a novel understanding of architectural aesthetics to create a design methodology that focuses on the patient experience. “Architecture as a second body” becomes the most important shelter of a fearing soul in a sick body.
The synthesis of exploratory and evidence-based design sets out to shatter outdated structures in hospital design while initiating change in university teaching. The book is a basis argumentation basis for committed medical professionals, a reference book for architects interested in science, and a textbook for students of architecture and psychology.
424 pages with 500 mostly color illustrations
14,8 x 21 cm, softcover
69,00 (D) / € 71,00 (A)
WGS 1584
ET November
ISBN 978-3-7861-2878-6 (Print)
ISBN ISBN 978-3-7861-7514-8 (E-PDF)