Under the title Architectural Psychology – Definition and Existence in Science and Practice, experts and scientists from Germany and abroad will for the first time deal with the contents and parameters of German-speaking architectural psychology within the framework of impulse lectures and discussion forums. The conference on 24.04.2021, which is open to the public, will be preceded by a closed conference on 02.10.2020, in which guidelines for modern architectural psychology in research and practice will be formulated and worked out. These guidelines will be presented at the conference in April 2021. The conference is being organised by the professional association for architectural psychology (Fachgesellschaft für Architekturpsychologie, FG-AP) in collaboration with the TU Munich, the Bauhaus University Weimar and the Swiss Professional College House of Colors in Weimar in October and is funded by the German Research Foundation, DFG. It is the kick-off of the knowledge transfer trilogy ‘Architectural Psychology – Weimar, Munich, Zurich’, which aims at a discourse and active networking that crosses disciplines, professional groups and borders.